The Magic Is In The Magician, Not In The Wand.
CDITC Vision: to support the dental profession with the most comprehensive and practical implant education and provide mentorship for lifelong learners in dentistry.
Our educational philosophy is simple:
- Learn from the ground up.
- Learn as comprehensively as possible, because you don’t know what you don’t know.
- Apply what you learn, through workshops, through live demos, and finally through live patient practice under guided mentorship.
And be a lifelong learner. Recognize that implant dentistry is a lifelong pursuit and takes time, energy, and diligence.
We aspire to educate dentists on principles, sound science, and best practices. We run generic programs because your education deserves a perspective free from corporate bias.
OUR MISSIONThe Canadian Dental Implant Training Centre Inc. ( CDITC ) provides education in the area of implantology for the general dentist as well as recognized specialists. Dr. William Liang, Director of CDITC, is one of approximately 300 worldwide Board Certified dentists of the American Board of Oral Implantology / Implant Dentistry. Our programs range from introductory prosthetic and surgical phases of implant dentistry to advanced personal mentorship training leading to the credentialing process. We endeavour to provide dentists with instruction consistent with the highest standard of conservative treatment and the highest level of clinical success as determined by the care provider and the patient. We are committed to ensuring that our participants are able to successfully implement our training into their office.
ABOUT US IMPLANT PROSTHETIC STUDY CLUBBITE Club - the Beginner's Implant Training & Education Club.
Our Mission: To introduce the foundations of Oral Implantology to those practitioners that are new to the field. The program will start with the most basic information that is fundamental to understanding Oral Implantology and build on those foundations.
Learn More COMPREHENSIVE IMPLANT SURGICAL RESIDENCYThe AAID Vancouver MaxiCourse. 300+ hours of CE in surgical implant dentistry.
Learn through experience. Learn from the ground up. Learn from the best. We pair surgical training with didactic instruction from the best in the industry.
Learn More SURGICAL ANATOMYThis program provides a systematic review of the anatomical structures, and participants will learn how to apply that knowledge in the surgical setting. The program is developed with a combination of modular lectures and cadaver dissection in the surgical anatomy lab to reinforce the learning. By the completion of this session, dentists can approach their surgery with confidence in knowing how to provide treatment in a safe manner.
LEARN MORE CONTINUUM SURGICAL STUDY CLUBThe Vancouver Implant Continuum serves as a vehicle for continuing dental implant education for those striving to gain further mastery in oral implantology. We encourage our members to bring in more complex surgical cases and fine-tune their growing surgical skills.
Learn More ADVANCED ORAL IMPLANTOLOGYThe Advanced Oral Implantology courses were born from a growing need for more advanced training in implant dentistry in the Pacific Northwest. Courses change each year, so check back here for new offerings!
This year, we are hosting
a) Implant Symposium,
b) Predictable Healing Using PRF/PRP Blood Concentrates,
c) Surgical Assistant Staff Training, and
d) Densah Bur Training
Learn More Implant Dentistry Staff Training ProgramA full-day course offered each year, this course provides dental assis with essential knowledge regarding sterilization, sterile fields, instrument care, operatory prep, and surgical support.